miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

3 hours at the school with nothing to do!

Well I should be doing my homework, but I seemed to have left my workbook at home, and it would take me over an hour to go get it, so I will have to find things to do here! And so I am making another entry while everyone around me is working on papers. I feel bad, but I am so thankful that I dont have any to do... especially since Im not really getting real credit for the classes that I am taking.

At 7, the Peruvian students are taking us to a light and water show. I hope we dont get wet... I do have my rain coat today, but that would be far too cold! So Gabby and I are staying here until then to do work and stuff because its a waste of money to go home and come back. All of my money is basically going toward transportation!

My stomach has been doing weird things lately... boooo! I am getting a little bit nervous to eat a lot of things so I have been buying things at the grocery store just to get some calories in me! I think its the school lunches that do funky things... others are having the same problem! Thats not so fun. But for the most part, I feel healthy!

Good news, some girl just asked me to go get ice cream shortly! YAY. I havent really had dessert here much, so that will be nice!

i think that our plans for teh weekend are becoming more concrete. We want to go to Ica, where we can maybe go sandboarding, seal watching, wine tasting etc. Sounds legit! Speaking of legit, we told our professor (who is Peruvian and teaches English to Peruvian students) that he could use the phrase that´s legit to describe something that is really cool. Haha so then we got into a conversation about slang, and he swore that he loves calling people his niggas! hahahahah its so funny to hear a 55 year old, slightly plump peruvian man saying these words haha.

So those are my weekend plans, and I have really nothing else to say... hmmmm yup thats all thats new with me!

I just got a wonderful surprise though... i just talked to Jon on the phone! What a nice boy to call me for a whopping amount I am sure. thank ya!

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