martes, 29 de junio de 2010

Best Restaurant Ever!

So every day in Lima is a little bit different than I thought it would be when I wake up in the morning. Yesterday was no different.

I thought a group of us wanted to go to Barronco yesterday, but it was very cold and drizzly and gross out. Instead, some people went out to lunch (I saw that they had pink plantains, so I stayed at school with liz haha). Then Liz and I walked around for awhile and met up with Eric and Kaitlin at the place they went for lunch. The others had gone home to work on their papers etc. but I didnt want to go home because I am essentially finished with school haha. Instead I went over to Liz and Kaitlins house! I have been there more than I have been at my own home it seems, but its always fun. While Kaitlin should have been working on her paper, we ended up talking for 2 hours. We wanted to go to a nice dinner before we left Lima (GAH 2 days?!) so we took a taxi down toward San Miguel to eat at this traditional Peruvian restaurant. It was closed. boo. So we stayed in the taxi and went to a really ridiculously good restaurant that is known throughout the world! Its in Miraflores, and we had heard that it was good, but we didnt realize how good it actually was haha. I paid 82 soles for my entire meal, but it was definitely worth it. I have never been to that nice of a restaurant before. The three of us got to this restaurant, Astrid & Gaston (google it!), around 730 and stayed until midnight! This was an incredibly wonderful dinner. We were all smiling the whole time haha. We were definitely out of place and I think the waiters thought we were on something because I had my bookbag... hadnt been home yet... and we werent dressed as nicely as the others. But we didnt care. We enjoyed the food, the company the conversation, and the probably a little bit too loud laughter. Ok so first we had this AMAZING bread... (dont worry there are pics to document everything.) Bread doesnt do it justice though... imagine a cross between cake and bread and wonderfulness. There were about 6 different types with fresh butter, olive oil and spices. It. was. heaven.

Next our food arrived! I forget what mine was called in Spanish, but it consisted of all the Peruvian shellfish... shrimp, crab, prawns, mashed potatoes, and about 4 different sauces. It was so wonderful! Small portions, but wonderful. Liz got a coconut tuna dish with rice that was wonderful, and Kaitlin got a veggie dish! So good.

Dessert was by far the best. They broughout literally a drawer of desserts. Each drawer had 2 different types of dessert candies for us to try! It was amazing. I was in heaven. There were 2 different types of dark chocolates, 2 different types of gummies, 2 different types of alfajors (popular Peruvian desserts!), and 2 different types of things that I cant quite classify. We stayed for another hour or 2 after that to just chat until they walked me home!

Because of the holiday (Saint Peter and Paul Day), there was a massive party literally right outside my window last night. Haha. Got about 2 and a half hours of sleep so I am pretty tired today haha. For class we went to the Peruvian Anthropology and History Museum! Nice change of pace. not exactly sure whats going on today, but this might be my last entry before I am home! Leaving on Thursday and we dont have internet anymore at home, but I might not be able to check my email or anything tomorrow. Transportation to and from Cusco is kind of crazy, but it should work out ok!

Hope you all are wonderful!

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