jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

about to start my travels...

but im currently sweating! im wearing 2 jackets and a scarf because i ran out of room in my huge hiking backpack, but i look so legit!

i just ran into Jorge, and i asked him about dinner. He told me we are fasting today... uhhhhhh no! I cannot do that! We are going on an 8 hour bus ride winding in and out along a mountain. I guess the normal person wouldnt want to eat, but I definitely need something in my poor tummy!
Morena was laughing at how much water I drank this morning... Im just trying to stay hydrated. She also has been making us heartier breakfasts! So that was a nice surprise this morning!

I have a test in 4 minutes... oops should have studied more! I am just so excited to get traveling! It sounds like we will have something really exciting to do every day! And I realized in perfect timing last night that I hadnt started taking my malaria pills, but it works out perfectly that they will be effective when we get into the jungle! I actually probably dont even need to take them, but I suppose its better to be safe than sorry.

I hope you all have a wonderful 10 days! Talk to ya lataaa aligaytasss

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