viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

relaxing days!

Wednesday night a bunch of us ended up going to a bar in Miraflores for happy hour! (which lasts until midnight here!) It was a lot of fun, and I found out that the bartender spoke German! It was just a lot of fun to hang out with people and relax.

Yesterday was a wonderful day as well! I literally cannot sit still for 4 hours. I get incredibly antsy... luckily my professor got there late, but it still kills me to just sit and sit and sit all the time. My body cant handle it anymore! Finally class was over, we ate lunch, and then some people had to work on papers. Liz was craving ice cream, so she, Kaitlin, Gabby and I took a taxi to Miraflores to find something. Ok, so McDonalds have these amazingly good McFlurries... Iberica is what its called, and its just so amazing that we had to get it again. They werent actually McFlurries, more like Sundaes, but when youre craving chocolate of any kind, this definitely hits teh spot. I have been really hungry lately, so this just elevated my mood tenfold. We hung out and watched the World Cup games for awhile, which was exactly what I wanted to do! Its unfortunate that I really dont watch them much here! Gabby had to write 3 papers that she forgot about, so I walked her home (we literally live 10 minutes away if you speed walk), I quickly grabbed some extra clothes, snacks, and told Morena I wouldnt be there for dinner, and quickly got back to McDonalds to meet the other 3. We went back to Kaitlin and Lizs house until our Zumba class with our professor! Going to their house was a much needed break. We had 3 hours to just relax, sleep, eat, and chat. Eric and Kaitlin had to work on papers, but Liz and I just hung out and got on her computer! It was interesting to see how other people live here. Their house is huge! There are millionaires who live next door to them too. My apartment is nice, but really small. During the 3 hours Liz and I got to skype with Jon though, which was definitely nice! I could really go for some of that Tonys now.. haha

7:45 came very quickly, and we were off to Giancarlas Zumba!!! It was a lot of fun... there were aboutu 10 of us who showed up, and it was all the people who we are closest too (ie went to Paracas and Ica that second weekend) none of us knew exactly what we were doing, but it felt so nice to actually move and sweat a little bit! I did a good amount of walking yesterday and then this workout class just brightened my day even more. I cant wait to go running again! After an hour of Zumba, we took cabs back to Cafe Haiti. We always meet here, but none of us had ever ordered anything. Its a nicer restaurant, so it has a little higher prices, but it was definitely worth it! A lot of people got burgers, but Liz and I both just wanted a fresh salad. Since a lot of tourists go here, we knew it was safe to eat, and it was definitely worth it! Best thing ever! But it left me a bit hungry afterward haha. Even though I could definitely walk home by myself, Liz and Kaitlin walked me home around midnight! They are incredibly nice... I dont know what i would do without them here! Got home went to bed and now im here!

Today I dont have official class, but we have mandatory lectures... booooo. Just three more days of class left!
Im not quite sure what the weekend will bring, but hopefully it will be something exciting!

Talk to you all soon!

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