jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

¡Me gusta el sol!

That´s right ... its sunny again!!!!!!!!!! I have noticed that when its sunny in the morning that usually means that it will be sunny in the afternoon as well! Im so excited for this!

So yesterday was quite the adventure. We got ice cream in Pueblo Libre, which is the district that our school is in, and it was so delicious. I havent really had much dessert here, though its everywhere! The ice cream is different here, but cheap! It cost about 1 American dollar for a good amount of ice cream. Rachel would have really liked it!

After a brief stop in Metro, a grocery store that reminds me of Walmart a little bit (haha they sing happy birthday to you on the intercom there if its your birthday!), 4 of us decided to check out the light show a little early. Our Peruvian classmates put us on a combi (a small bus) and told the driver to let us know when we got there haha. That was nice because we didnt have to frantically figure out where we were and when we should get off.

The park was amazing! It only cost 4 soles to get in, but I would have easily paid 15 dollars in the states. There were HUGE fountains that were synchronized to music, and I dont even think we saw every fountain in there! Some people chose to run around in them, but I passed on that one... it was too cold! It was nice to go with just the 3 other girls intially because we got to explore it for about an hour or so before the huge group got there... so we of course took lots of pics! There was a tunnel made of water that was one of my favorites. Around 9 (at this time I was starving! Hadnt really eaten anything too filling all day except the ice cream), but the light and water show started! It is somewhat like the one in Epcot, but not really haha thats just the best comparison. There was a huge fountain show with laser lights and a projector that showed images on the water. The first half was Peruvian music, but the second half the music consisted of Backstreet Boys, Savage Garden etc. haha Of course we had to sing along, and we were taped by a couple Peruvians! haha it was fun!

By this time the original 4 of us (Shelly, Kaitlin, and Liz and I) were really hungry and we had been there for 3 hours. Some other people wanted to stay, but we were ready to head out, so we dropped Shelly off, and then the 3 of us went to Miraflores to grab some grub! We walked along Calles de la Pizzas (I might have spelled this wrong) and we were basically mobbed by all the restaurant workers trying to get us to come into their places! They will all pay for your drinks as long as you buy their food. It was too overwhelming and too pricey, so we ended up at a Chifa (Peruvian Chinese restaurant) that was much more low key and more reasonably priced... plus, its always really good! Not too much like the Chinese American food... not as fried... more fresh! I ended up getting a Tortilla Verdura, which is like a vegetable omellete. Liz and Kaitlin have been getting only soup for dinner, so they were really hungry and got soup plus a full meal! We all sort of shared, and everything was really really really good... plus by now it was 10 30, so we were just so excited to eat. I also tried Sangria! We got half a liter for the three of us, which cost 18 soles total. So 6 soles... so about 2 dollars! For a good amount of Sangria is not too shabby!! Wow it was strong though! Very delicious.

After dinner Liz and Kaitlin wanted to see where I lived, and so they walked me home. It takes me about 3 minutes walking to get home from the main strip of Miraflores, so it wasnt far, but I was very happy they walked me home... I wouldnt want to go alone! They live in San Isidro, which is the closest out of anyone to Miraflores, and they told me that they would show me how to get there by bus. Where they live is more residential with lots of cute parks, but I want to go home with them some days and then catch a bus to Miraflores, which is about 15 minutes by bus. Plus I think I could navigate it just fine during the day. (Gabby was off dancing with a different group.. I hadnt mentioned that yet hahaa) It was really nice to hang out with this group though, and hopefully it happens more in the future!

Finally got home, to bed, and passed out! I actually sleep really well here... and I even had a HOT shower this morning. And its sunny! What a great day! Lorena, our host mom, told us that she would take us out after school today, but i dont think she remembered, and we dont know where she is... hopefully that happens though... I have been looking forward to it!

All for now! Talk to you all soon!

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